jane iredale Makeup Workshop with Liv Lundelius

Blog Society and Eat Read Love recently teamed up with leading makeup artist, Liv Lundelius, to run an intimate makeup workshop using jane iredale products. The event catered to all makeup lovers from beginners to experienced makeup enthusiasts.

The casual, hands-on workshop was held on the afternoon of Saturday 9 August and saw bloggers and people with a keen passion for makeup come together to learn about the ins and outs of makeup application.

jane iredale was thrilled to be involved as a sponsor supporting the event by providing makeup sets for the budding makeup artists to use while practicing the new artistry techniques they picked up from Liv.

Event attendee, Brooke Jackson, said “It was a fantastic opportunity and meeting makeup artist Liv was a great experience.”

Brooke also had a chat with Liv to find out why she was inspired to run the workshop.

“There’s not many ways people can learn about makeup, unless you go to a counter at a department store, even then it tends to be quite sales-driven, and you don’t get much of a independent, professional opinion.

“I often have women coming to me with makeup questions, looking for advice and guidance, which is why I decided I wanted to be involved with an event that offers this sort of advice to women, in an environment that’s friendly, accessible and genuine.”

Liv went on to explain why jane iredale was selected as a key makeup partner.

“When using makeup daily it’s really important to consider what your applying to your skin. jane iredale is a high-end product that combines quality makeup with amazing skincare benefits, and it features stunning packaging.

“The jane iredale brand is versatile and is effective for professional and every day use. There are not many brands that are suitable to be used on the skin day in day out, but jane iredale is one of them.”

When asked what Liv’s go-to jane iredale product is she couldn’t name just one, citing Jelly Jar Gel Eyeliner, POMMIST Hydration Spray and Longest Lash Mascara as her top picks.

The feedback received was fantastic and we can’t wait to do it again! Watch this gorgeous video for a bigger sneak peak of the event.

Documentary images by JK Blackwell, a portrait photographer specialising in pets and their people © JK Blackwell / www.twoguineapigs.com.au